

The image has inspired an annual father-daughter ritual :一個父親與女兒的15張合照」 回憶感動上萬網友

A long time ago in New York City, Steve Addis stood on a corner holding his 1-year-old daughter in his arms; his wife snapped a photo. The image has inspired an annual father-daughter ritual, where Addis and his daughter pose for the same picture, on the same corner, each year. Addis shares 15 treasured photographs from the series, and explores why this small, repeated ritual means so much.

In his TED Talk, Steven Addis shared a tradition that he and has daughter have kept for 15 years, since she was just a year old. On a father-daughter trip to New York City, the pair asks a stranger to snap a photo of them on the exact same street corner. Addis calls these photos his 15 most treasured images.
Steven Addis: A father-daughter bond, one photo at a timeYesterday, Addis and his daughter appeared on CBS News to share more about their tradition. Sabina Addis, now 16-years-old, spoke about the ritual from her perspective.
"I think it's a really special trip. New York really laid down the foundation of the relationship my dad and I have together. We have a level of trust and comfort together that I can't image many 16-year-olds have with their fathers," she says. "For me, it's really cool just to see how we've both grown and how different I look every single year. Each one triggers back a memory of each specific trip. It queues up a lot of memories."
When asked how long they plan to continue this tradition, Steven Addis says, "Now it's sacred … The plan is for the rest of, probably, my life."

Six great moments in time-lapse photography

Posted by: Jessica Gross
December 19, 2012 at 11:16 am EDT

Years ago, Steven Addis's wife photographed him holding their 1-year-old daughter on the corner of 57 Street and Fifth Avenue in New York City. On her second birthday, the family happened to be back in the city, so headed to the same corner for daddy-daughter photo, round two. The next year, Addis brought his daughter back to New York — on purpose, this time — to take the same photograph.
This annual ritual is now 15 years strong. And in today's talk, filmed at TED2012, Addis shares his "15 most treasured photos," all but the first two snapped by strangers he handed his camera to. The most recent image drew big laughs from the TED audience, as Addis is holding his now-teenaged daughter in his arms. She appears to be nearly his height.
"These photos are far more than proxies for a single moment or even a specific trip," Addis says. "They are also ways for us to freeze time for one week in October and reflect on time and how we change from year to year—and not just physically, but in every way. Because while we take the same photo, our perspectives change."
Addis's hope in sharing this metamorphosis through photographs is to encourage others to take "an active role in consciously creating memories."
To see Addis' father-daughter photo series, watch his moving talk.  And below, a look at others who are realizing the power of the same image repeated over time in impressive, funny and meaningful time-lapse projects.

One of the TED Speakers :Steven Addis: Brand strategist

Steven Addis is a father and photography buff who, by day, harnesses the power of branding for social change.

Why you should listen to him:

In the late '80s, Steven Addis imagined a creative agency that merged strategy and design, breaking down the walls between strategists, copywriters and designers. That vision evolved into Addis Creson, a brand strategy firm set on creating positive change by working with clients to market meaningful products and to improve their social benefit. The firm is behind the rapid rise of Kashi, the naming of Shutterfly and the launching of the sustainably raised salmon brand, Verlasso.

A photographer, film buff and writer, Addis began documenting the evolution of branding as the online world took shape. An avid traveler and supporter of the arts, he also advises businesses and non-profits through board work for the UC Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive and MapLight.

"Over the years, Addis's company has evolved from being solely a package-design firm to one that also acts as a full-service agency, one dedicated to positive change. "
-------Original Message-------

Date: 2013-03-25 20:25:43
Subject: 一個父親與女兒的15張合照」 回憶感動上萬網友  


 「一個父親與女 兒的15張合照」 回憶感動上萬網 友


今天要分享Steven Addis先生的故事,他 是一名攝影師,在過去幾年中,他每 年都會與女兒拍一張合照,而拍照的 姿勢則是他抱著女兒。

為女兒過1歲的生日,她穿著嬰兒 服與我在紐約拍下生命中第一張合照 (是不是很可愛?)

短短一年之後,我們採 取同樣的姿勢拍照,女兒穿的很時 尚,我的鬍子也有些野

女兒過三歲生日的時 候,我們又到紐約同一個地方拍照, 之後我決定每一年都在同一個地方與 女兒合照








歲的女兒已經是一個小 大人了

歲的時候,我也開始變 老了


歲的時候,女兒都快有 我高了

Steven Addis
說:這一時刻,是比旅 行更值得!要珍惜度過的特殊時刻!

歲,女兒將要去紐約大 學

Steven Addis
突然明白:我們創造的 最重要的事情之一,是我們的記憶。 希望每個人都能有自己的一些回憶!